Badly Broken: Walter White and the Corrosive Effects of Sin

Badly Broken: Walter White and the Corrosive Effects of Sin

Badly Broken: Walter White and the Corrosive Effects of Sin
by Chris McCirney and Daniel Lee

A great article about a televised story of how sin starts small and eats away at us.  Also, spoilers alert.

“With each calcified deposit, what starts off as an instinct to provide for his family mutates into a monstrous obsession to preserve the empire that Walt has established with his own two hands. Walt has been so engulfed by the darkness that he is no longer fully human. And that’s because sin is a force that refuses to let up; like gravity, it relentlessly pulls us inward into itself. As Walt himself says, ‘If you believe that there’s a hell . . . we’re already pretty much going there. But I’m not gonna lie down until I get there” (from episode 5.07, “Say My Name”).'”

Today is another special day for my blog

I just found out that today is a special day for my blog.  Not only have I finally gotten a hundred followers, but today is the 2-year anniversary of when I began blogging originally about my discovery that I was going to be a father.  I’ve also reached my 200th post.  And that is what we call a triple milestone.

Thank you all viewers!  God bless!

Walking the Breath: A Sophomore Greek Tale

[In 10th grade my English teacher, Mrs. Carter, asked us to write a Greek-style story after reading The Odyssey.  I held on to mine.  The “vicious man-eater Humphries” was named after my 8th grade principal.   If my memory serves me correctly, my companions were named after two friends in my youth group.  In real life they would have surely made it.  It was a pagan tale roughly told in the Greek tradition, assuredly, but I snuck a little Christology in.]

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The Case Against High School Sports

The Case Against High School Sports

The Case Against High School Sports
In this timely article, Amanda Ripley examines what may be one of the leading causes of American High School students simply not graduating with very much knowledge or many skills at all: the treatment of schools as sports clubs that also do classes and stuff.

How Students Can Use Weebly With The Canterbury Tales

How Students Can Use Weebly With The Canterbury Tales

When my students read The Canterbury Tales, I didn’t want to tediously read through all of the characters with them.  They wouldn’t remember all of the characters that way, and it would only serve to make it less interesting to the average high school student.  So I had a plan.
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My Response to Jim DeMint’s Response to Putin: On American Exceptionalism

DeMint’s letter to Putin can be found here.

DeMint would need to provided evidence that America is dedicated to the universal principle of human liberty. Given recent events, as well as the conditions of the African American and American Indian during the early years of The United States, this principle is not clearly held, and if one were to prove that it is and was, one would bear the burden of proof. Perhaps DeMint will provide such proof in his sequel letter?
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Introducing the Crucible with A Satire Blues Song

How do you introduce The Crucible to students?  How do you cover McCarthyism and satire in a mini-lesson?  How do you treat students to some good music in the process?  I came up with a way to sneak a Bob Dylan song in.

I used “The Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” to demonstrate satire, cover the flaws of McCarthyism, and pair with The Crucible.

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