Please, Thank you, You’re Welcome, Shall We? The Holiday Quartet

I recently viewed the ScreenPrism video that argues for the strange, but convincing idea that the 1993 film The Nightmare Before Christmas makes for the perfect Thanksgiving movie.

Thanksgiving, of course, is directly between Halloween and Christmas. But the movie itself does seem to have some core themes and motifs of Thanksgiving. ScreenPrism makes a good case: Continue reading

3 Must-Read Articles I’m Sharing

This week I found myself unable to write a post of my own, because three different articles keep coming back to me that I ultimately decided I needed to share. I think they are all very timely and necessary.

  1. from Ed Setzer at Christianity Today

    Michael Flynn Isn’t the Only Guilty One

    This article calls Christians to ask ourselves why we allow ourselves to become targets of fake news, and why our zeal is often hijacked by our gullibility. We embarrass ourselves, hurt our witness, hurt the reputation of others, and lose our mission when we are perpetually duped by fake news stories.
  2. from Jack Wilkie of Focus Press

    A Dangerous Trend in Churches of Christ

    This article, from a conservative apologetic publication, challenges Churches of Christ as children of the Restoration Movement to consider their own plea for unity. I agree that many have become rigidly guilty of defining our salvation by our own rightness, pushing salvation by precision obedience and making the burden too hard to bear.
  3. from Steve Gardner at Authentic Theology

    The Boston Declaration: 5 Problems With Them and How to Fix Them

    This blog post examines the very timely Boston Declaration crying out against “the corruption of U.S. Christianity.” As the author points out, the declaration did not do well enough to reach its primary audience, patriotic evangelicals. He lays out a method for addressing the audience in a way that will better gain their respect, and maybe even change their hearts.
I urge all Christians to please take the time to read these this week. Thank you and God bless.