The Relevant Sting of John Grisham’s The Appeal—Book Review

There’s good beach reading and there’s bad beach reading. I found a copy of John Grisham’s The Appeal at a beach condo this year and elected to read it, having never heard about it before. While Grisham’s legal thrillers aren’t the most literary around, you can always count on them to be well researched and executed. This is no less true of his sprawling 2008 novel.

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New Story in The Coachella Review

Hey readers, do you like murder mysteries? Well, I was totally into them before they were big.

Here’s a murder mystery that’s so obscure you’ve probably never heard of it.

You should check out “It Was The Hipster Who Done It,” my latest short story appearing in The Coachella Review. I mean, come on, it’s the perfect place for such a story to appear.

You can find it here.

See if you can solve the mystery. Not that I wanna dragoon you into it.